Movie Synopsis:
"The Secret of Santa Vittoria" tells the captivating tale of a small Italian town during World War II, led by the charismatic and somewhat bumbling Mayor Italo Bombolini, played by Anthony Quinn. In an effort to protect the town's treasure—a million bottles of wine—from the approaching German forces, the townspeople of Santa Vittoria come together under Bombolini's unlikely leadership. This film blends humor, drama, and a touch of romance, showcasing the resilience and ingenuity of the community as they unite to safeguard their heritage and livelihood.
Where to Watch:
The film is available for streaming on classic film platforms and for purchase or rent on Amazon Prime and Apple iTunes. Availability may vary based on your location.
Menu and Wine Pairings: Appetizers
Antipasto Platter
(Prosciutto, Pecorino, and Marinated Olives): A traditional Italian starter featuring thinly sliced prosciutto, sharp Pecorino cheese, and olives marinated in herbs and olive oil.
Wine Pairing:
Cantina di Montalcino Brunello di Montalcino – A robust red wine from Tuscany, known for its rich flavors and deep history. The Cantina di Montalcino has been crafting wines that embody the Tuscan spirit and terroir, making this Brunello an excellent choice to start the evening.
Caprese Salad: Fresh slices of mozzarella and ripe tomatoes, layered with basil leaves and drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Wine Pairing:
Planeta Chardonnay – From Sicily, this Chardonnay brings a balance of fruit and acidity, complementing the fresh flavors of the Caprese. Planeta's dedication to quality and innovation in winemaking reflects the vibrant character of Italian white wines.
Main Course
Osso Buco: A hearty dish of braised veal shanks cooked in white wine and broth, garnished with gremolata.
Wine Pairing:
Michele Chiarlo Barolo – This Piedmontese wine, known for its elegance and complexity, pairs wonderfully with the rich flavors of osso buco. Michele Chiarlo has been a significant figure in producing Barolo, showcasing the grape's potential to reflect the nuances of the region's unique soil and climate.
Risotto alla Milanese: Creamy risotto infused with saffron and finished with Parmesan cheese.
Wine Pairing:
Pieropan Soave Classico – A white wine from the Veneto region, offering floral and almond notes that enhance the delicate saffron in the risotto. The Pieropan family's commitment to the Soave tradition brings out a wine that is both refreshing and rich in history.
Tiramisu: Layers of espresso-soaked ladyfingers with a whipped mixture of eggs, sugar, and mascarpone cheese, topped with cocoa.
Wine Pairing:
Vietti Moscato d'Asti – A lightly sparkling sweet wine from Piedmont, with hints of peach and apricot, that echoes the creamy sweetness of tiramisu. Vietti's approach to Moscato d'Asti preserves the freshness and aromatic qualities, making it a delightful pairing for this classic dessert.
Panna Cotta: A silky smooth dessert made with cream and gelatin, served with a berry compote.
Wine Pairing:
Donnafugata Ben Ryé Passito di Pantelleria – A luxurious dessert wine from Sicily, with rich notes of dried figs and honey that complement the creamy panna cotta. Donnafugata's expertise in crafting dessert wines ensures a finish that is both opulent and memorable.
As a wine enthusiast and student, "The Secret of Santa Vittoria" offers a comprehensive exploration of the wine-making process, especially in times of adversity. This film, set in the picturesque Italian countryside, is a vivid portrayal of a community's passion for wine and their efforts to protect their cultural heritage. The selected menu and wine pairings are designed to immerse you fully in the Italian winemaking tradition and the spirited charm of Santa Vittoria.
Dive into this blend of comedy, drama, and the art of winemaking for an unforgettable Italian-themed evening!